Three people talking and taking notes.Teachers are pivotal in creating classroom environments that foster learning and social-emotional well-being in their students.

However, teaching as a profession is considered one of the most stressful occupations. Providing resources to support teachers and increase their sense of personal efficacy, well-being, and ability to manage stress may reduce workplace fatigue and turnover. It may also in turn increase teachers’ effectiveness in promoting healthy classroom environments, and lead to improved outcomes for students’ learning and wellbeing.


  • To understand occupational stress, emotion regulation and wellbeing in Australian teachers (Teacher Stress and Wellbeing National Survey)
  • To examine the effect of a mindfulness intervention (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)), compared to an alternative active intervention (Health Enhancement Program (HEP)), on a range of outcome measures in a group of teachers and to determine the downstream effects of such training on their students (Well-being, Teaching and Learning Intervention Study)


Project members

Professor Annemaree Carroll

Affiliate of Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences