A person in hi vis coat, hardhats walking next to a conveyor belt with coal.Quality training in the mining and resources sector is essential for safe production.

Learning and training are integral to productive and safe operations within the resources industry. However, there is a need to better understand what quality looks like in learning, training, mentoring and supervision in the industry. The industry reports that current approaches to training are scattered, highly variable in quality, lack a well-understood evidence base, and are infrequently evaluated – essentially, there is not a shared understanding of what ‘good’ looks like across the industry. Furthermore, the quality of training has been identified as a causal factor in fatal incidents on sites in QLD (Brady Review, 2019).

In partnership with stakeholders in the mining industry, the UQ Learning Lab has been exploring the barriers and enablers to quality training, and the training needs and priorities of the mining industry. We aim to build an evidence base for quality training for safe production, and to communicate this evidence through a set of industry-specific training principles, guidelines, and workshops.


  • To develop a shared understanding of industry learning and training needs and priorities and how these contribute to workplace safety.
  • To co-create ways in which to mobilise the science of learning into learning and training programs across diverse contexts and levels of the industry.
  • To gather and develop illustrations of ‘what good looks like’ within the industry.

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We would like to thank the Resources Training Council for their generous donation supporting the UQ Learning Lab and our objectives to partner with the mining industry to improve safe production.



Project members

Dr Stephanie Macmahon

Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Headshot of Brooklyn Corbett

Dr Brooklyn Corbett

Senior Research Assistant - Learning Lab
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Professor Annemaree Carroll

Affiliate of Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Associate Dean (Research)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Dr Natasha Matthews

Senior Lecturer - Psychology
School of Psychology
Affiliate of Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience
Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience

Professor Paul Dux

Affiliate of Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience
Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience
Professor and Deputy Head of School (Research)
School of Psychology

Professor Jason Mattingley

NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Queensland Brain Institute
Professorial Research Fellow
School of Psychology
Affiliate of Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience
Centre for Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience
Affiliate of Centre for Behavioural and Economic Science
Centre for Unified Behavioural and Economic Science