Make social-emotional learning part of teaching: it’s easier than you think

8 Jul 2022

Cartoon of a person balancing on a seesaw juggling different emotions.Well-being in relation to learning is an idea on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Well-being describes how someone feels about themselves and their life when they are in a state of balance and have the resources to deal with life’s challenges. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the driver of well-being development to achieve this state of balance.

Drawing on our understanding of the role of emotions and social connection in effective learning, we show that SEL can be successfully embedded into the higher education learning context to produce well-being and academic benefits for students.

In this, the final of three articles about how emotions can promote greater student engagement and learning, Dr Sasha Lynn, Alexandra Osika, Professor Annemaree Carroll from The University of Queensland's Learning Lab explore strategies that explicitly embed SEL into everyday learning.

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